"Consulting Solutions"


Multifaceted Business Consulting With Your Success in Mind

Board of Director Services

Board members are the fiduciaries who steer the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance and financial management policies, as well as by making sure the business has adequate resources to advance its mission and goals. A business who has regular board meetings with qualified board members will get a pulse on the business and create a check-in on the health and profitability while ensuring goals and strategies are being achieved. Boards members ensure the important matters of an organization are being addressed and resolved. They steer the ship! Our team provides years of expertise in all manner of businesses. We can provide invaluable insight as a member of your board of directors.

Chief Financial Officer

Prepare and plan for the future with expert financial analysis. Our CFO services oversee the financial operations of your organization including accounting and financial reporting. We provide leadership, direction and management of the finance and accounting team as well as providing strategic recommendations for the CEO/COO/President of the executive management team. Our team helps the company navigate financial challenges, creates financial projections, ensures assets are protected through title and insurance, ensures internal controls are implemented and maintained. We help you understand your financial health, including the movement of money into and out of your business, which can make a critical difference to your short-term financial planning, and to your overall business success. Our CFO team has the knowledge and insight to provide expert cash flow and budgeting analyses that can help you gain a clear picture of your company’s financial position, minimize cost overruns, lost purchase discounts, and uncollectable receivables, and recognize potential strengths and weaknesses in your overall business plan. This value-added service is an indispensable tool for businesses, allowing you to plan intelligently for variations in your cash flow, and identify the best possible short-term financial strategy for your company.

Controller Services

Whether as the basis for important corporate decisions by a business owner or the foundation of a prospective investor’s interest, an accurate and up-to-date financial statement is critical to the success of any business. With deep experience in financial and management accounting, our team brings integrity, insight, and experience to the preparation of professional, GAAP-compliant financial statements as well as tailor-made financial analyses. As your trusted business advisor, we can help you accurately evaluate your company’s assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses to assess and report on its financial health, and can assist management to identify and eliminate inefficiencies to realize an organization’s full profit potential.

Audit Committee

The primary purpose of a company’s audit committee is to provide oversight of the financial reporting process, the audit process, the company’s system of internal controls and compliance with laws and regulations. The audit committee can expect to review significant accounting and reporting issues and recent professional and regulatory pronouncements to understand the potential impact on financial statements. An understanding of how management develops internal interim financial information is necessary to assess whether reports are complete and accurate.

General Business Consulting

Our experienced staff of business consultants is committed to assisting you through every phase of the business life cycle, applying our experience and insight to provide you with meaningful and practical strategies and solutions to address the issues facing your business. From incorporation through business succession planning, we provide the comprehensive advice, insight, and technical expertise you need to help your business achieve success at any stage.

Management Consulting

In today’s rapidly-changing business environment, the right management strategy can make the difference between a struggling organization and a thriving one. To drive value in your organization, you need thoughtful, candid advice from a trusted advisor with the real-world experience and knowledge to help you determine an achievable management strategy, optimize your business processes, and produce sustainable value for your organization. We leverage our associates’ business acumen to offer complete management advisory services, including systems implementation and management, process analysis, change management, business transformation, workflow analysis, enterprise risk management, cost controls, employee benefit plan restructuring, and much more to help your organization improve performance, implement industry best practices, and maximize growth.

Incorporation and New Business Analysis

Starting a business is challenging on many levels, from the hard work of establishing yourself in the marketplace to the complexities of managing the paperwork, and it’s easy to become overwhelmed without expert advice. With years of real-world, hands-on business experience behind us, the team of detail-oriented professionals will not only help you to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of corporations, partnerships, and LLCs, ensuring that you select the right entity for your new business, but can also guide you through formulating a business plan, dealing with any necessary registration, permitting, or licensing processes, managing compliance with local, state, and federal laws, and can even provide a market evaluation to allow you to position your new business as advantageously as possible in the marketplace, or a business valuation, if you are considering the purchase of an existing business.