"Bookkeeping & Payroll Solutions"


Put to Work Our Expertise in Managing Your Business Finances

We recognize that accurate, well-organized financial information is critical to your corporate or personal financial health. Our detail-oriented and insightful staff is committed to providing the comprehensive reports, analysis, and services you need to manage your finances and assess your financial position. We offer a broad spectrum of meaningful and cost-effective accounting services, from Controllership services, bookkeeping, payroll and financial statement preparation with financial analysis to help you to manage your finances efficiently and accurately.
We leverage the power of the cloud to offer an accounting system that allows us to work collaboratively with you, our clients, minimizing costly and time-consuming errors and maximizing efficiency. This highly-customizable system gives you as much or as little direct involvement in your accounting and bookkeeping processes as you like – anything from simply entering checks and deposits to handling advanced bookkeeping transactions. Because you use the same system we use to analyze your trial balance and prepare your financials, this cloud-based system is safe, secure, and eliminates the time-consuming process of transferring data back and forth, for maximum efficiency and flexibility.

Controller Services

A controller is typically the head of the accounting department in an organization. In a large company setting, they will supervise people like accountants, payroll managers, tax managers, credit managers, etc., and report to the CFO (Chief Financial Officer).
In a smaller company, it could be that the controller is the only accountant for the business, and will generally report directly to the president or owner of the company. They may have an accounting clerk or an accounts payable clerk to assist with some of the accounting. The controller will create budgets, prepare financial statements, create budget to actual comparison and do some projection work, cash flow analysis and cost saving investigation. The controller will also assist with some internal controls, and financial analysis. Our team has substantial expertise in this field and we advocate any client for whom it is cost effective to engage in these financially sound proactive services.

General Ledger Management

General ledger management is sometimes referred to a “full-charge” bookkeeping in that the level of work engages in the full spectrum of accounting theory and takes every account to the “trial balance” with surety that each account and been reconciled, has supporting schedules to affirm the balance. General ledger management ties up all the loose ends of the monthly transactions and ensure everything is complete and is posted where it belongs. General ledger management supports the controllership services to begin analysis, projections and budget comparisons. Our team of experts is well educated and trained in accounting theory to provide this level of accuracy in your accounting system.

Accounts Receivable

It’s all about cash flow. The most profitable business can struggle to meet payroll and vendor payments if the money isn’t timely billed and collected. Our team of experts can assist in getting your “AR” set up, create a smooth system and billing and collections processes.

Accounts Payable

It’s all about cash flow. The most profitable business can struggle to meet payroll and vendor payments if the money isn’t available to use. Our team of experts can assist you getting your “AP” set up and create a smooth system of setting up your accounts to pay, timely and accurately to avoid late payment fees, over payments or early payments which negatively affect your cash flow.

Bank & Credit Card Reconciliations

It’s all about cash flow. Having access to up-to-date bank & checkbook balances, along with credit card balances and due dates for payments can support a business or cripple it if they are inaccurate or out of date. Cash management is key to a successful business. Using cloud based software and bank connections, we keep you “in the know” on a daily basis as to where you are.

Payroll Services

Payroll processing can be a labor-intensive chore, particularly for small businesses with limited staff. We provide efficient, reliable payroll processing at a reasonable cost, including printing or direct-depositing paychecks, managing deductions, allowances, and withholding, filing quarterly and year-end state and federal payroll tax forms and making electronic tax payments, as well as comprehensive payroll reporting to help you manage your staff and run your business efficiently.

Prior Year Back Work and Clean Up Services

Only accountants love accounting. If this is not your skill set or passion, it’s really easy to get behind and or have inaccurate books. We love it and we’ve got you. Our team of experts can get you caught up and cleaned up.